Monday, April 26, 2010

McDonald's and the Children

After a weekend camping and relaxing I'm inspired to start blogging again.  During this camping trip a couple in the group were having a disagreement about whether or not their future children will be allowed to eat McDonald's.  The guy said that McDonald's is delicious.  The gal said that she had never had McDonald's in her life and neither would her kids.  It was a standoff that no one wanted to comment on in fear of offending either party.

On the way home though, Josh, my dear husband and I discussed it.  Though it's staggering that someone who has lived in the United States her whole life has never had anything from the Golden Arches it's a testament to the dedication of her parents to keep her away from it and teach her the habits to stay away from junk food.

It's a dedication that I would hope to have but most likely won't in the long run because I believe that to evolve a palate one must start young and make them open minded eaters.  I can't very well tell my children that they have to try everything they *say* they don't like to eat at least 3 times if I'm not willing to let them try something that they may want to eat right?

That being said, junk food is off the table until the child is at least 3 years old.  Why?  Because that's when they can actually play with the Happy Meal Toys and will likely start demanding things. 

I personally feel that if I eat a clean diet of vegetables, whole grains, lean meats and fruit throughout my pregnancy and continue on through each kid's childhood healthy eating habits will come naturally to them.  The occasional splurge on Happy Meals is a lesson in moderation. 

Depriving them of something that is popularized in the media and can be geared healthily now (apple slices instead of french fries, 1% milk instead of soda) will likely make them binge when they can buy their own food in high school and college.

(Image Courtesy of Get Fitness Here.)

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