I was at the local Target earlier this week, perusing the aisles for nifty new products and things that I might not have seen before but would really love to have in my possession. That's how I found Thomas's Light 100 calorie 8g of fiber english muffins. They are my favorite.
Because I don't drink soda anymore, unless it's club soda with some vodka and a twist of lime, I'm always looking for new things to drink that might distract me from the boredom of plain old water.
Then, on sale, on the shelf I saw Skinny water. I know, sadly, I'll pay attention to anything that tells me it'll make me skinny. Despite protest from my fiance, I bought a pack to try.

Why is it called Skinny water? Well it has, according to the website "the active ingredients Super CitriMax® and ChromeMate®. In clinical studies conducted by researchers at Georgetown University Medical Center and Creighton University School of Pharmacy, dieters consuming the equivalent amounts of Super CitriMax and ChromeMate found in each bottle of Skinny Water lost on average 10.8 pounds compared to only three and half pounds in placebo group."
Now, I'm not big on diet pills or supplements either. I've tried a number of different ones and none of them feel right. But I looked into Citrimax and ChromeMate to see what they're supposed to do. This is what I could find:
"Known as hydroxycitric acid (HCA for short), or Citrimax, this popular supplement has become a standard ingredient in many popular weight loss products. Derived from the rind of the Indian Garcinia Cambogia fruit, original animal studies seemed to indicate that HCA/Citrimax displayed an amazing ability to block the conversion of carbohydrates into fat by inhibiting an enzyme called ATP-Citrate Lyase. It also appeared to suppress appetite as well." -- ultimatefatburner.com
"ChromeMate® (generically called chromium nicotinate, chromium polynicotinate or niacin-bound chromium) is a patented oxygen-coordinated niacin-bound chromium complex that plays an important role in proper insulin function, maintenance of healthy blood sugar and cholesterol levels, normal energy production, and promotion of healthy body weight.* Protected by three U.S. Patents, four international patents and other world-wide patents pending, ChromeMate® is the only niacin-bound chromium supplement with proven biological activity." -- slimirex.com
I have to note that there are accounts that these supplements don't actually do anything at all. For all anyone knows, it could just be a placebo.
But, I have drank around one bottle a day for the past 3 days, which is not the recommended intake. They recommend having 3 bottles a day, one about 30 minutes before each meal. But since I only bought a 6 pack of the water and I don't like the nutrasweet flavor very much, I've only had one a day.
How has my appetite been? I've been doing pretty good about keeping around a specific calorie range, though I can't say that it's a result of the water and not my diet. In fact, the day I had the most Skinny Water I went over my calorie count by 300+ calories. It was also NYE though, so I chalk that up to that half bottle of champagne.
All and all, I think it's just flavored water. Flavored water I will never buy again because it's over $1 per small bottle and because the taste, at least the lemon flavor, was undesirable.
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