Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Is Beer Really That Bad?

One of the often faced problems in the road to health is what to do about those nights out on the town. Since I've got a number of events this weekend that include dinner and dancing on Saturday as well as a wine tasting for a grand opening on Sunday this article from That's Fit drew my attention.

According to Chris Sparling:

"For one, when you drink beer, twenty percent of the alcohol is absorbed from your stomach into your bloodstream; the rest is absorbed by your intestines. From there, the alcohol makes its way through your liver, where it is broken down -- leading to the creation of two waste products: acetate and acetaldehyde. These waste products then signal your body to stop burning fat, while at the same time your body actually starts MAKING fat from another alcohol waste product, known as acetyle CoA. As a result of all this, the more you drink, the less you become able to burn fat -- and, the more fat your body creates from the build-up of acetytle CoA."

According to the triglycerides diet alcohol can inhibit your fat metabolism by 30%. So how much is just enough?

Well there doesn't seem to be any one size fits all answer but generally speaking one glass a day of red wine for women and one to two glasses for men is the upper limit.

Looks like I'm sticking to fermented grape juice this weekend.

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