This weekend I spent much of my online shopping time focused, which ended up being about 2 hours longer than I expected, on these new Wii Games like EA Active, Outdoor Challenge and Wii Sports Resort. The idea that I could in fact get my lazy butt, which by the way has gained more stones than I'd like to admit after the wedding weight loss, in shape without needing to leave my air conditioned living room is tempting to say the least.
But wait, what of the other nifty gizmos I already have from the Nike+ Ipod set, Yourself Fitness for the PS2 and the most recent purchase: Personal Trainer: Walking for the Nintendo DS? I'll go into a review of each product in later posts, Dear Readers, each of which I believe could benefit someone by motivating them by what hits them to their very core (which in the case of the Nintendo DS Personal Trainer Walking game is avoiding being called a sheep.)
I attempted to purchase the EA Active game for the Wii but something went wrong with my order just in time for me to realize that perhaps the Yourself Fitness game would work just as well without me needing to spend an addition $50. Why would it work now if it didn't work before? Well now I'm going to treat this like an experiment, like I do so many other things I get caught up in, and try Yourself Fitness for 30 days combined with a reasonable eating plan that consists of 5 small meals a day at about 200-300 calories per meal.
If by the end of the experiment I decide that maybe I want to try out the EA Active game instead I'll go ahead and do a giveaway of the Yourself Fitness game.
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