Juice fasting, renamed juice feasting, for those who want to avoid the negative stigma of fasting. Personally, as a Buddhist, I know that the word "Fast" isn't a bad one. When I started my first juice fast someone asked me why. Why give up food to drink your calories for a week?
The idea first appealed to me because I knew my body was seriously laden down, full of garbage and bad foodstuffs. I wanted to go vegetarian, but it still wasn't enough. I needed to cleanse all this vodka out of my body. I read about juice feasting on a blog from my friend's fiance who went away to a 12 day retreat and came back centered and vegan. She quenched her cravings for anything bad with a juice fast.
Now with anything that sounds completely radical, people have a million opinions on what juice fasting does. In my reading, the following made me want to give it a shot:
1. Detoxification of the internal organs, like the colon,without forgoing and nutritional intake.
2. Shrinks the stomach to it's original size preventing overconsumption after breaking the fast.
3. Weans the faster off any food additions that are derailing their health goals.
4. Allows the body to focus on detoxification including releasing toxins from fat cells instead of on digestion.
During my first 3 day juice fast I did end up with lighter with more energy, prettier hair and skin, as well as a more peaceful and positive attitude. The world was oddly sunshiney and bright. I'm going to have to assume it's not that the massive amount of beta carotene from the gallons of carrot juice are repairing my vision.
Update: I didn't do any subsequent updates to JTV because it was time consuming to make my own juice and lower energy when fasted for more than 4 days. I still do juice fast from time to time when I need a quick cleanse.
Great blog! There’s plenty of useful information and motivation. I’ll definitely be back. Check out my blog at Http://www.realfoodforlife.blogspot.com . I’ve been juice fasting for years starting with a “Vitamix” in the 70’s to a “Juiceman in the 90’s and love juicing’s benefits. Recently I found a ready to mix "Instafresh" powder that has 30 fruits and berries, 30 super greens and vegetables, 11 nuts, seeds and sprouts all in an easy to mix, delicious, organic concentrate that has 83 Active Enzymes and Minerals and 22 Resilient Living Probiotics. It's absolutely the best raw whole food supplement on the market today. Great for people on the go! And all for just $1 per serving! Now that's juicing for the new millennium! Just read the label and get a sample like I did at Http://www.urilife.com/realfoodforlife/products.html I think you’ll love it! And yes, I still make a fresh carrot, apple, parsley juice cocktail in my Breville 800JEXL 1000-Watt Juice Fountain Elite juicer and I freeze the carrot and apple pulp for fresh carrot cake!
Grace and Peace,
Hi Ed, thanks for dropping in. I'm sorry that I'm veering away from juicing for a bit, I'll probably get back on it in October after the honeymoon.
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