Enter green tea. Obviously, green tea is almost no calorie, but it's also tauted to speed the metabolism and curb the appetite. Even if it doesn't do anything to speed your weight loss, it's not going to slow it down.
But if you want decadence, flowering green tea is the way to go. It's a work of art in a glass of tea.
My mother came back from her trip to china with a gorgeous set of tea balls that when steeped unfurled into colorful flowers that enhance the floral flavor of the tea.
Image courtesy of hhas.com who sells flowering tea bulbs for $1.30 each.
*Diet Hacks are features that give tips on how to effortlessly lose weight. They are not a substitute for a healthy diet and daily exercise.
Hi Lana! I miss you from the 'forum'... I fell off the map for a bit! I'd love to give you my email or chat with on the forum more-- I see you haven't been on in a while. I hope you're well & happy, girl!
Hey Jessa! Drop me an email, I'd love to chat some more!
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